Ever since I became involved in the baby equipment industry, I've been feeling like Maxi Cosi doesn't get enough attention.
When compared with Britax, for example, it's often considered cheap and not as high-quality.
But is this really the truth?
I've decided to compare these two brands thoroughly, debunk the parents' myths, and write the most detailed Britax vs Maxi Cosi review!
Table of Contents
- Brand History
- Versatility
- Design
- Safety Features
- Traveling
- Comfort and Convenience
- Prices
- Britax vs. Graco: Summary Table
- FAQs
- Is Britax compatible with Maxi-Cosi?
- Is Maxi Cosi better than Britax?
- Is Britax car seat safer than Maxi Cosi?
- Is the Britax convertible car seat more comfortable than the Maxi Cosi?
- Is the Britax convertible seat heavier than the Maxi Cosi?
- Maxi Cosi vs. Britax: Which one last longer?
- Maxi Cosi Pria vs. Britax One4Life: Which is better?
- Maxi Cosi Pria vs. Britax Boulevard: Which is better?
- Britax vs. Masi Cosi: Which is easier to install?
- Conclusion
Brand History

Source: maxicosi.com
a. Britax
Back in 1939, Britax first emerged on the European market as British Accessorises, a manufacturer of seat belts and motorcycle accessories.
Around thirty years later, they acquired a German renowned seat belt manufacturer and soon-to-become car seat producer - RÖMER.
Soon after, they acquired Safe-N-Sound and Steelcraft, Australian car seat manufacturers.
The blend of German engineering and Australian design resulted in the highest-quality baby equipment that became a synonym for a safe ride.
b. Maxi Cosi
Maxi Cosi is a part of Dorel Juvenile, a reputable Canadian manufacturer of baby equipment founded in 1962.
But not many people know that Maxi Cosi itself is a Dutch company founded in 1984.
They launched one of the first car seat models with comprehensive safety features in Europe and, after some time, grew into one of the leading car seat brands.
Nowadays, Maxi Cosi car seats can be found anywhere in the world, and their prices are among the lowest on the market.
a. Car Seats
When it comes to car seats, both brands have a lot to offer. They have models for every stage of your child's growth, from infancy to school.
But the car seat weight of Britax models, on average is higher than Maxi Cosi's.
Britax and Maxi Cosi: infant car seats, convertible seats, all-in-one seats, and booster seats
b. Strollers
The stroller offer is pretty similar too. Britax has more three-wheeled models, but Maxi Cosi has strollers for every stage, from newborns to preschoolers.
Britax, on the other hand, has double side-by-side strollers, while Maxi Cosi doesn't; they only have a single-to-double model.
- Maxi Cosi: everyday, lightweight, single-to-double, all-terrain.
- Britax: everyday, all-terrain and double strollers.
c. Travel Systems
As for the travel systems, Britax has taken an obvious victory, given that they have fourteen different models, while Maxi Cosi has four.
- Maxi Cosi: four travel systems
- Britax: fourteen travel systems
Winner: I'd say both brands have a highly versatile offer for different situations and all stages in your child's growth.

Source: britax.com
Although Britax has the title of a higher-end brand, I have to say that both brands make car seats almost identical in design.
They incorporate the ISOFIX base and simple installation system that makes the process straightforward and accurate.
Still, do they differ in certain aspects? Let's find out.
a. Britax
As I already mentioned in one of my reviews, Britax is one of the first car seat brands that started using the ISOFIX.
This is an anchoring system, basically, a LATCH, that allows easy installation of the car seat without necessarily using the seat belt.
ClickTight is another feature that Britax patented to help parents with their installation struggles.
It refers to a three-step process car seat installation process with a seat belt that includes opening the car seat, pulling through the belt straps, then simply closing the seat.
Because of the ClickTight technology, the seat self-tensions, so you do not have to pull and tighten the straps.
SafeCell Technology
SafeCell is a special safety feature unique to Britax.
What it essentially represents is an impact protection system that is located in the base of the car seat, and it acts as a crumple zone, absorbing the crash forces and keeping your child safe.
b. Maxi Cosi
Although one of the first brands to use it, Britax is not the only manufacturer that included ISOFIX in their car seats.
Actually, ISOFIX car seat bases became a trademark of Maxi Cosi seats, so it's pretty much staying ahead of the engineering innovations. And they make parents' everyday life easier.
Click & Go
While Britax has a CLickTight installation, Maxi Cosi, on the other hand, has a Click & Go system. It does not refer to a seat belt installation, though, but the car seat-car base connection.
Namely, once you install the Maxi Cosi car seat base, you can connect the seat in one step only. Simply click the car seat into its base, and you're ready to go.
Support Leg
Another design feature that's almost a trademark of Maxi Cosi is the support leg.
Almost all rear-facing infant seats have support legs that reinforce the stability and improve the overall safety of the car seat.
Winner: design-wise, I lean towards Britax since their seats are generally more durable and sturdier, in my opinion, but we'll get to this later.
Safety Features
Both Britax and Maxi Cosi comply with the FMVSS 213 federal safety standard.
Since both brands originate from Europe, their car seats embody the latest engineering innovations, proving the credibility and reputation of the brands.
So, let's see what some unique safety patents of theirs are.
a. Britax
Aside from the early recognition of the ISOFIX technology, Britax is known for the prominent use of energy-absorbing foam.
Their shells are lined with deep foam, so the entire seat is like a shield that absorbs the crash forces and keeps your child's body protected.
The EPS foam is in the headrest, side cushions, and shell, so they pretty much rely on its power.
The first patent of Britax' I'd like to mention is the SafeCell™ technology. It is a system of features that work in synergy to provide the best possible protection to your little one.
First of all, there's the steel frame, acting like a heavy-duty core that keeps the structure intact.
Then the second component is the deep foam shell, proven to absorb the G-force in a collision and minimize your child's movement.
And on top of everything, double side impacts protection with adjustable headrest position to ensure your child is intact.
The LATCH system also ensures the car seats are installed correctly, which is important for overall safety.
And many seats of their also have anti-rebound bars for additional stability and movement control in extreme situations.
b. Maxi Cosi
Maxi Cosi has its car seats externally tested and approved to ensure the safety level remains above the standards.
External centers such as German automobile organization ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club) have given Maxi Cosi an above-average result on safety, and their car seat models have been recommended by TCS.
How do they do it?
Well, their first secret is the advanced side impact protection technology.
Car seats like Maxi Cosi Pria 85 include the Maxi Cosi's Air Protect™ side impact technology.
This special Air Protect technology absorbs the energy in crashes and keeps it away from your child's head and neck.
Next off, the famous Mico infant car seat includes another patent of Maxi Cosi's, the G-CELL 2.0 Side Impact Protection.
It is a nature-inspired technology that basically represents a series of hexagonal cells that work like a crumple zone and spread the G-force in crashes keeping it away from your child's body.
There's also the support leg I already mentioned, which is an inevitable part of their infant seat structure.
It goes from the car seat base down to the car floor, providing additional support and minimizing the movement of the cars eat in crashes.
Winner: honestly, both brands are above the federal standards safety-wise. So I can't choose a favorite.

Source: maxicosi.com
All Maxi Cosi and Britax car seats with five-point harness straps are FAA-approved, so they are suitable for airplane use.
However, Britax simply cannot compete with Maxi Cosi's lightweight offer when it comes to car seats.
For example, Maxi Cosi's premium Tinca infant seat weighs only 7 pounds, making it perfect for traveling and among the lightest infant car seat on the market.
On the other hand, while Britax has great seats on their end with impressive weight limits, they are all on the heavier side.
As for the strollers, Maxi Cosi's lightweight stroller model Zelia² weighs around 20 pounds, just like the Britax's B-Lively.
But, B-Lively has an all-wheel suspension system and a three-wheel design, so it's compatible with all terrains, making me more excited about it than Maxi Cosi's Zelia².
Winner: Maxi Cosi has more lightweight car seat models, so it takes the victory in this category. Other than that, brands have almost identical travel offers.
Comfort and Convenience
a. Britax
Another advantage that Britax can be proud of is the use of natural flame retardants in their car seats.
While most brands use chemical flame retardants, Britax relies on tightly woven fabric that acts like a natural retardant, preventing exposure of your child to harmful chemicals.
However, their seats are not the most comfortable ones.
Due to the thick two layers of side impact protection around your baby's head and substantial EPS foam throughout the seat, the seat is slightly stiffer than most parents expect.
Personally, I'd rather choose a safe than a soft seat, so I don' mind, but I've seen customers complain about it.
The no-rethread harness straps, LATCH system, and ClickTight technology make installation and fitting a breeze. So the seats are very convenient and intuitive for use.
Plus, their booster seat has the highest weight limits on the market.
As for the strollers, what is there to say.
Britax makes top-notch models with suspension systems, all-terrain wheels, rearward facing and forward-facing seat modes, and super comfy materials.
They also acquired BOB strollers, so they pretty much rule the market stroller-wise now.
b. Maxi Cosi
Maxi Cosi is known as a brand with the most comfortable convertible car seats on the market. The key is in extra padding that's soft and plush, cradling your little one perfectly.
Another thing that helped this brand make it in the baby industry is its innovative engineering.
Be its rear-facing mode, forward-facing, or booster, Maxi Cosi seats are packed with the latest inventions, making your everyday life easier.
For example, a special buckle system is one feature that makes Maxi Cosi supreme.
Namely, Maxi Cosi Pria is known for its Clipquik auto-magnetic chest clip that makes buckling super-fast and gets you on the road in no time.
In addition, the same model has a cup holder on each side of the seat, so it's well equipped for your child's refreshments.
Also, there's a special EZ Out system that keeps the no-rethread harness away, so you can get your child in conveniently. The shoulder harness is spring-assisted, so it's easy to work with.
Another reason why parents love Maxi Cosi's seats is the maintenance.
You simply remove the seat cover and machine wash it to keep everything sanitary. Shoulder straps and plastic parts you can hand wash in mild soap and water.
Finally, many parents are thrilled with how well Maxi Cosi cars eats fit the small cars.
There are many compact car seat models with an innovative design that leaves more space in the back seat and fits perfectly in small cars, so that's another plus.
Winner: Both models are convenient for parents and very comfortable for children.

Source: maxicosi.com
These two brands are even in the same price range. There are some quite expensive models, but there are a few affordable options too.
Let's look at the price ranges together and see which one of the two is on the pricier side.
a. Infant car seats
- Britax: $199.99 - $309.99
- Maxi Cosi: $79.99 - $319.99
b. Convertible car seats
- Britax: $209.99 - $399.99
- Maxi Cosi: $199.99 - $369.99
c. Booster car seats
- Britax: $105.99 - $209.99
- Maxi Cosi: $89.99 - $369.99
d. Strollers
- Britax: 199.99$-469.99$
- Maxi Cosi: 143.99$-429.99$
e. Travel Systems
- Britax: $299.99 - $729.99
- Maxi Cosi: $969.99
Winner: Overall, Maxi Cosi has lower starting prices, but their most expensive models are beyond Britax's price range as well.
Britax vs. Graco: Summary Table
Criteria | Britax | Maxi Cosi |
Versatility | Draw | Draw |
Design | Win | Lose |
Safety Features | Draw | Draw |
Traveling | Lose | Win |
Comfort and Convenience | Draw | Draw |
Prices | Lose | Win |
Over Rank | 2nd | 1nd |
Is Britax compatible with Maxi-Cosi?
The short answer is yes.
Britax strollers are compatible with Maxi-Cosi seats with a slight adjustment.
In order to use Britax strollers with Maxi-Cosi seats, you need to purchase Britax infant car seat adapters, which will not only make it compatible with Maxi-Cosi but, in addition, you will be able to connect it with seats such as Cybex or Nuna.
Is Maxi Cosi better than Britax?
Taking into consideration that both Maxi Cosi and Britax are high-quality seats with modern design, the correct answer is not that simple, but if I had to choose, I would say no, Maxi-Cosi is not better than Britax.
Britax models are usually sturdier as they have reinforced frames and are made for long-lasting use.
Also, thanks to ClickTight technology, the Britax car seats are quite easy to install, possibly the easiest seats to install, and since they are made from the best material, they don't show any wear and tear after prolonged use.
Is Britax car seat safer than Maxi Cosi?
Not exactly. Both Britax and Maxi Cosi car seats meet or exceed federal safety standards.
Both brands invest in innovative technology that results in premium protection and support, plus they both incorporate active head restraint, so it's not really impartial to say Britax is safer.
Is the Britax convertible car seat more comfortable than the Maxi Cosi?

Source: britax.com
This is a matter of preference.
Most people find Maxi Cosi more comfortable since their padding is generally softer, and they have breathable materials that keep your child cool and comfy.
But, Britax's EPS foam keeps your child's head in place and protects in both rear-facing and forward-facing mode.
Is the Britax convertible seat heavier than the Maxi Cosi?
Yes, Britax convertible car seats are heavier than the Maxi Cosi seats.
Britax is one of the safest, if not the safest, car seat manufacturers, with their steel frame and extra padded protection.
It is true that this adds to the weight, but in order to preserve the safeness, a little bit of extra weight is a small price to pay.
Maxi Cosi vs. Britax: Which one last longer?
Since most of the Britax seats are made of steel frames and Maxi Cosi seats are usually lighter or steel-reinforced, we'll have to go with the Britax on this one.
Britax seats are sturdier and heavier, which makes them more resilient.
Also, the great thing about their thick padding is that it helps them prevent wear and tear.
Maxi Cosi Pria vs. Britax One4Life: Which is better?
Even though they are both great seats, Britax One4Life takes the prize here.
With a steel frame, SafeCell technology, Duo Guard protection, and 5-point harness Britax One4life is the better choice.
Also, Britax One4life is more compact, and its ClickTight installation makes it far easier to install than Maxi Cosi Pria.
It is also worth mentioning that Maxi Cosi Pria is a bit larger and that it has a steel-reinforced frame and not a steel frame.
Maxi Cosi Pria vs. Britax Boulevard: Which is better?
Since both seats are excellent and have their advantages, it is not exactly clear which one is better, but if we have to choose, we'll go with the Maxi Cosi Pria.
The key features worth mentioning are easier installation, lightness, and higher weight and height limits.
The machine washable cover and cup holders are just some bonus benefits that come with the seat, and the infant wedge that also comes with it is really useful and good for the baby.
Britax vs. Masi Cosi: Which is easier to install?
Both seats are fairly straightforward to install.
While Britax has its patented ClickTight system that enables installation in only three steps, Maxi Cosi has its magnetic buckle and EZ Out harness that help you buckle up your child quickly.
Also, they both include LATCH installation systems which are pretty straightforward to use.
I hope this text helped you get a clearer view of both brands.
As you can see, it's not that simple to choose between two brands, especially if they are both on the market for quite some time.
At the end of the day, it all comes to what is the best for your child, and whichever of these two brands you choose, you can't go wrong.
That's for sure.