Car Seat Safety for Premature Babies: How to Manage Safety Properly?

car seat safety for premature babies

Nothing brings joy as welcoming a baby into the world! However, if your baby arrives sooner than expected, you need to know everything about car seat safety for premature babies.

Premature babies must undergo a car seat test before they are released from the hospital, leaving parents to wonder:

What is a car seat test, and what happens if my baby fails it?

This guide will take you through all the necessary details of a car seat tolerance test and how to adequately use a car seat with preemies.

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Infant Car Seat vs Convertible Car Seat: Tips on Choosing the Best Car Seat (2022 Guide)

infant car seat vs convertible car seat

If your due date is getting closer by the day, it's time to start choosing between infant car seat vs convertible car seat.

You have to ask yourself:

Do I need a portable and lightweight car seat or a seat my baby can use for more than two years?

We are here to answer your possible questions if you are still unsure what you should be looking for in a car seat!

By comparing infant and convertible car seats, you will know what will work better for your lifestyle, safety, and budget!

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When to Switch to Convertible Car Seat & How to Do It Properly? 2022 Guide

when to switch to convertible car seat

Car seats are a must-buy when you are expecting a baby.

As soon as your baby starts using the infant car seat, you need to consider purchasing a car seat for the next stage. Babies grow rapidly; before you know it, it's time to use a convertible car seat.

Most parents often find themselves wondering:

When to switch to convertible car seat?

While both infant and convertible car seats are good transport options, they are only safe if used properly. This article covers all the essential facts & proper use of convertible and infant seats.

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Is It Safe Driving While Pregnant? What No One Is Telling You & Tips on Road Safety

driving while pregnant

As a mom-to-be, you are often unsure whether you can do the regular daily tasks you once did.

Can you eat spicy food, can you practice yoga, enjoy an occasional glass of wine? The list goes on and on, and these are all valid concerns of a future mom.

But there is one thing that pregnant women are allowed to do with extra precaution - it's driving while pregnant.

No one said you have to take the passenger seat once you are pregnant. However, you need to know a few guidelines and safety tips before getting behind the steering wheel.

Seat belts save thousands of lives throughout the year, but how do you wear one while pregnant?

We answer this and many more dilemmas you may have while expecting!

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The Most Successful & Reliable Guide on How to Get Rid of Roaches in Car

how to get rid of roaches in car

Imagine driving a long distance, lost in thoughts, and focused on the road. Then, suddenly, you notice a roach in your car and cause an accident out of fear.

Generally, many people fear all kinds of bugs, especially cockroaches, since they're too big and unpleasant for your eye.

So, what do you do when they invade your car's interior?

Well, you can try the spray bombs, but the chemicals may damage your car's interior permanently, so you might try other options to eliminate roach infestations.

So, what can you do?

Well, you can find helpful tips & tricks below & kill cockroaches once and for all.

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Absolutely the Best 2022 Guide on How to Get Pee Out of Car Seat!

how to get pee out of car seat

Traveling with your children and pets sometimes might be really complicated.

They can be messy, and you never know what to expect. This is especially important if you notice urine stains on a car seat.

So, what can you do? How to clean pee out of a car seat?

Well, follow the basic instructions & examine the guide thoroughly.

I'm sure we won't let you down!

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How to Loosen Straps on Graco Car Seat? A Step-by-step Effortless Guide!

how to loosen straps on graco car seat

Once your little passengers start growing, it would be best to have a car seat with adjustable straps

The harness straps can tighten or loosen for the best fit, maximum stability, and comfort.

So, there are slight variables in the straps adjustment process if you have Graco car seats. But, what are the differences, and how can you notice all of them?

Well, don't worry since I'm here to guide you through all these variations.

So, if you're a Graco car seat mom, we will examine numerous Graco car seats & the loosening process of the straps for every single model.

Let's begin!

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Baby Car Seat Protector Safety Guide: What Every Parent Needs to Know

car seat protector safety

It turns into a debate whenever I mention car seat protectors to my friends with kids!

Are they safe? Are they not safe? What's the deal?

If you recently had your leather seats installed, you must know that car seat marks are inevitable.

Considering you paid a mini fortune for those car seats, the only logical thing to do is get a car seat protector. However, it has been quite controversial over the years.

Why? You are about to find out.

I will explain some of the pros and cons of using a car seat protector for car seat installations.

Then, we'll clear the air once and for all and see whether these things are safe to use with tiny passengers in the back seat.

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Car Seat Trade-in: How to Recycle and Save Money Along the Way?

car seat trade in

Parents, buckle up because this one's for you!

I bet that, like me, you have one or two old car seats that your kid no longer uses but are still in proper shape, right?

Are you guilty of keeping them in storage without even considering recycling, donating, or selling the car seat?

Well, I have great news!

If you have a big family and are looking to save a couple of bucks on the new car seat, then you have to enter the craze of the car seat trade-in program!

First time hearing about it?

I get it, I was a newbie once, and this semi-annual trade-in has changed my life and saved my bank account! Interested in learning more?

Keep on reading.

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Here Is What to Do With Old Car Seats: Top 5 Ways for a Smart Declutter

what to do with old car seats

A couple of days ago, I was decluttering the attic, and under a pile of coats, I discovered not one but two of the old car seats!

They are way past the expiration date and developed dents from neglect, so logically, they are no longer usable or safe.

As a part of my annual spring clean-up, I always separate the things we no longer use and either donate them or throw them away.

However, something about these car seats made me keep them!

I couldn't throw them away just because my kids could no longer use them, and there was absolutely no way I could sell them with this kind of damage.

So, what did I decide to do? Keep them in the attic and let them collect dust!

Well, to keep you from making my mistake (and help you declutter), I did my research and found out all there is to know about what you should do with old car seats.

Believe it or not, the dumpster is not the only solution, so if you are looking to be eco-friendly or spread some kindness over the holidays, keep on reading.

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