Congratulations! If you're reading this, it means you're expecting your first baby! So, you need the best infant car seat to take your tiny one home!
You've chosen the Chicco car seats as your ultimate picks.
Still, you cannot decide between the Chicco KeyFit and the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat.
So, who's going to be the winner? Stay tuned.
Chicco KeyFit 30 vs KeyFit Infant Car Seats: A Wholesome 2022 Overview
1. Design and specifications

Both car seats are infant seats. Unfortunately, it means they offer only one car seat position - a rear-facing position.
For this reason, the car seats include the car seat base and require a specific installation process in the rear-facing mode of the vehicle's back seat.
As you'll find, both the Chicco KeyFit 30 and the Chicco KeyFit car seats have precise car seat proportions. Both measure 27.5 x 16.75 x 24 inches.
In addition, they both offer the same minimum weight limit of four pounds and the maximum height limit of 30 inches.
However, there's a crucial difference between the maximum weight limit of the infant seat models.
The Chicco KeyFit offers 22 pounds of the maximum weight range, while the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat supports 30 pounds of the maximum weight.
So, the Chicco KeyFit is the original KeyFit version, while the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat is the advanced model of the same Chicco Series.
However, the Chicco KeyFit 30 has more advanced models, such as the Chicco KeyFit 30 Zip and the Chicco KeyFit 30 Zip Air.
It's the original version of the KeyFit 30 series, but not the final one.
The Chicco KeyFit weighs 16 pounds, while the Chicco KeyFit 30 weighs 16.6 pounds.
Although there's not much difference between the two models, I still prefer the Chicco KeyFit 30 as the better option.
It offers more weight support, and it's a perfect car seat for your newborns.
But, for more advanced models, I suggest you pick the KeyFit 30 Zip or the Zip Air models as the ultimate versions of the Chicco KeyFit series.
2. Safety features
Of course, you want the maximum safety standards for your baby. But, don't worry - the car seats are the number #1 choice of most parents!
The Chicco KeyFit 30 and the KeyFit are the new car seat models, offering maximum security standards.
And according to the Consumer Reports, similar third-party car seat sites, these are the safest seats on the market! It is a big deal when it comes to your child's safety. So, don't skip them!
Both car seat models meet and exceed rigorous crash tests and fulfill all IIHS, NHTSA, and FMVSS rules and regulations. So they are stable and safe on the road. But that's not all.
The Chicco KeyFit and the KeyFit 30 offer the EPS energy-absorbing foam as the primary layers of side-impact protection, with the reinforced car seat base and the car seat frame.
So, the security features are ideal for keeping your babies safe and sound on the road.
The EPS energy-absorbing foam will redirect the impacts, forces, and pressure in the frontal, rear, and similar accidents and keep your small newborns and babies intact and stable.
And the EPS foam will also offer extra comfort for the kids using the car seat.
Of course, both car seats feature an anti-rebound bar. The anti-rebound bar is a crucial part of the car seat, as it offers extra stability and fixation in the case of a car accident.
So, you don't need to worry - the Chicco KeyFit and the KeyFit 30 will best protect your child in a collision.
The seats are also specific to the 5-point harness system. The five-point harness is a no-rethread one, so you don't have to install and re-install it to fit your child.
You can adjust the harness height and the straps to follow your child's development and growth. So, the no-rethread harness is always a plus when the child grows.
And you can find the same features in the Zip Air and the Zip models.
So, I'll leave the decision to you- you can select either the Chicco KeyFit 30 or the Chicco KeyFit car seat. But, again, there's not an extraordinary difference in safety standards.
3. Installation process

Source: Amazon
You can install the Chicco Key Fit 30 and the Chicco KeyFit with either the LATCH connectors or the vehicle seat belt system.
Both seats are convenient for most vehicles, offering a straightforward installation.
Still, the LATCH connectors offer the SuperCinch force-multiplying LATCH Tightener, so the manufacturer suggests the LATCH system as your primary option.
You will have to align the car seat base with the RideRight bubble level indicators and use the leveling foot to help you ensure a proper car seat installation.
The same base model in both seats has the same bubble indicators and the leveling foot, ensuring the proper installation angle for both seats.
You can still use the seatbelt system to install the baby seats.
You must anchor the baby carrier with the seatbelt and ensure the seat is stable to keep your child safe and sound on the road.
The only difference between the two seats is that the original KeyFit car seat requires additional weight against carrier weight.
You must push it a bit to ensure robust and secure installation. Finally, it will take a few more seconds to install the KeyFit properly and connect the strap properly.
Even though they are pretty effortless and quick to install and use, I would still go with the Chicco KeyFit 30 baby seat.
The KeyFit 30 offers a slightly simpler LATCH system without any additional actions so that it might be more convenient for parents.
You won't find a simple setup like this in other brands.
4. Comfort and convenience
What's so unique about these seats?
The KeyFit and the KeyFit 30 offer comfy and soft materials. Your child loves them, so they quickly fall asleep.
Both seats offer removable and machine-washable car seat covers, so you can quickly clean and maintain them for subsequent use.
But, many parents complain that the regular KeyFit model requires only water and mild soap for cleaning rather than machine-washing.
So, I vote for the KeyFit 30 this time as well.
However, neither of the seats will be as cozy as the more advanced versions - Zip and Zip Air.
The Zip and the Zip Air seats offer the Zip accents for more convenient use, and the Zip Air is the only car seat with the 3D air mesh for maximum breathability.
So, your child will remain calm, cool, relaxed, and unpressured in the Zip Air seat, with maximum comfort features.
In addition, the Zip Air seat is the only one with a removable boot, the most advanced in the KeyFit series. So, I prefer the Zip Air seat over all other models.
But, the KeyFit and the KeyFit 30 include the infant insert, extra padding, and no-rethread harness for your little one's coziness.
The infant insert and seat pad offer more support, so your child's neck, spine, back, and other body parts also have maximum safety standards.
The seat pad also features improved comfort and security standards, so parents find it cozy for long distances.
Finally, the seats don't have toxic chemicals, so they are both user and environment-friendly for your vehicle and even stroller.
So, for maximum comfort standards, you should go with the Zip Air model, but other options are also OK. It's up to you.
5. Travel-friendly: Pass or fail?
The KeyFit and KeyFit 30 are infant seats compatible with all Chicco strollers. So, you can create your travel system and make the best use of it.
The travel system is ideal for all parents - jogging strollers for active parents, double and twin strollers for more kids, or regular stroller types for simple errands.
You can attach the seats to the stroller via the corresponding adapter, and you're ready to go.
The seats are ideal for long distances, and you can move them between the vehicles, but it might be slightly challenging as they are bulky for infant models.
The KeyFit 30 even weighs slightly more than the KeyFit, so you will put more effort into moving it around.
You can travel overseas, as the KeyFit and the KeyFit 30 are FAA-approved. You can install them quickly on the plane seat, and they will be convenient for use on the plane. You'll find labels on the frame.
6. Budget-friendly: Yes or no?
The KeyFit costs around $180, while the KeyFit 30 costs around $220. Both are available on Amazon.
KeyFit 30 is more expensive due to improved standards and overall design features, but other than that, there aren't too many dissimilarities.
Both will fit your stroller, vehicle, and safety requirements, so you can go with either model.
7. Extra benefits
Unfortunately, you cannot find any cup holders and similar features in the KeyFit 30 and KeyFit series, as these are infant seats. So, they don' have such accessories.
But, they offer sun-canopies to protect your little ones from all-weather elements and conditions for extra comfort and protection.
Chicco KeyFit: Pros and Cons
- Stroller-friendly for different travel systems
- Safe and sound on the road
- Comfortable for long distances
- Stable and fixed with the installation
- Quick to install
- No-rethread harness for better children's fit
- Affordable
- No breathable materials
- It might be too bulky
- Fewer weight limits than the KeyFit 30
Chicco KeyFit 30: Pros and Cons
- Effortless setup process
- Convenient for multiple travel systems
- Maximum security and safety standards on the road
- Cozy and relaxing for children using it
- Adjustable harness to follow your baby's growth
- Stable and fixed once installed
- Matching price with the quality
- No breathable materials as in Zip and Zip Air models
- More expensive than the KeyFit
- More robust and heavier than the KeyFit
Is KeyFit and KeyFit 30 the same?
Generally, yes, they are. However, the KeyFit30 offers 30 pounds of maximum weight limitation, while the KeyFit supports only 22 pounds.
In addition, the KeyFit 30 offers a slightly faster installation than the regular KeyFit seat. Other than that, the models are the same in all features.
Is the Chicco KeyFit 30 suitable for newborns?
Yes, the Chicco KeyFit 30 supports your four-pound infants until they reach 30 pounds of maximum weight recommendation. So, it's suitable for your newborns.
How long can I use the Chicco KeyFit 30?

Source: Amazon
You can use the Chicco KeyFit 30 for your babies from four pounds until they reach either 30 pounds or 30 inches.
Whatever comes first, you will have to change the seat and switch to the forward-facing model.
What strollers is Chicco KeyFit 30 work with?
These are the Chicco models the seat fits:
- Corso
- Corso LE
- Bravo LE
- Bravo Primo
- Bravo For 2
- Vario
- Activ3 All-Terrain
- Mini Bravo Plus
- KeyFit Caddy (stroller frame)
- Cortina Together (double stroller)
Baby Jogger:
- City Select
- City Select Lux
- City Premier
- City Mini
- City Tour Lux
Baby Trend:
- Snap N Go
- Snap N Go Ultra Tandem
- Revolution
- B Agile
- B Ready
- Donkey Mono
- Donkey 2 Mono
- Donkey Twin
- Donkey 2 Twin
- Fox
- Buffalo
- Cameleon3
- Bee3
- Bee5
- Indie and Speed
- Options Elite
- Options
- Curve
- Zuzu
- Caboose
- Big Caboose
- Caboose Too
Mountain Buggy:
- Swift
- MB Mini
Phil and Teds:
- Navigator
- Dot
- Classic
- Sport
- Xplory Trailz
- Scoot
- Moodd
- Urban Glide 1
- Urban Glide 2.0 single and double models
Does KeyFit 30 fit in KeyFit base?
Yes, the base fits all KeyFit 30 models. These are practically the same seats in proportions, so the base fits all models.
What car seats are compatible with the Chicco KeyFit base?
It's compatible with the KeyFit 30, KeyFit 30 Magic, and KeyFit 30 Zip models.
Is the Chicco KeyFit 30 FAA approved?
Yes, it is. You will find the label on the frame or the instruction manual stating that it's convenient for aircraft and cars.
Chicco KeyFit 30 vs KeyFit: The Final Verdict
And, who do you choose? Will you go for the first or the second version? I would go with the KeyFit 30 infant car seat due to more limits and quicker installation.
But, the KeyFit is just as fine as the second model since it's the original model. And, more or less, the models are pretty much the same in all factors.
Above all, they offer impressive safety standards for your little ones. So, what will be your final option? Let me know in the comment section!
I can't wait to hear from you!